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Relaxation Days and Stress Workshops
Relaxation/Stress Releif/Therapy Days
It is estimated that stress at work costs the UK economy £7bn each year through sick pay, lost production and NHS costs and accounts for 6.5m lost working days - Light holistics can offer your company staff a stress relief day where up to 16 people can receive a holistic treatment of their choice. I currently work in several hospitals in the North West offering treatments to the staff as part of their working well strategy. Potential benefits to your company are less days lost to sickness due to stress or posture related illnesses and a boost to staff morale as the relaxation days show the companies commitment to staff health and wellbeing
One to One Health and Wellbeing Coaching
Directing, managing or working in a company can be stressful and sometimes lonely work. It can be helpful to spend time discussing life issues with someone outside the work or family loop, particularly if you have stress health concerns that you don't want to discuss with people you are involved with. This can be combined with holistic treatments or training to suit your needs.
Yoga at Work
I can offer a 5 week Yoga course for you and your colleagues which will give you a profound experience of Yoga and build a community spirit in your organisation. Yoga helps us on a physical, mental and spiritual level. Many people say after experiencing the Yoga course they can sleep better, empty their mind, experience releif from back pain, and feel uplifted.They also feel a new connection with their colleagues which builds a better team spirit.
'My company has used Light Holistic for the last 10 years and I have been impressed with the support they have offered. We have used their meditation training to help train our senior staff in basic techniques that help clear their minds and prepare them for our challenges ahead. We have also used their reflexology and massage support alongside a range of others...Lights Holistics is by far the best.
Paul Johnson
Managing Director -
3Dk Solutions Ltd
Corporate Prices are subject to negotiation dependant on location and number of hours. For example, a 'Stress Releif Day' in the Warrington area, treating 16 people, each getting 30 minutes treatment, over a 10 hour period would usually cost £300 - a big discount on my private per person rate.
A one hour Yoga class in the middle of the day in the Warrington area is likely to be around £60.
A workshop depends on the number of attendees and length of session.
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